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「花宜农情WAY 」带您探索东台湾的在地美味,透过手作DIY 感受乡土美食纯朴风味;再邀您走访农村,看一看不同于繁华都会的乡间景致,以及务农人家的风土民情,细细体验农家的生活点滴。「花宜农情WAY 」囊括花莲、宜兰四大农业有机专区的私房景点及行程!「花宜农情WAY 」网罗您非尝不可的道地农家美味...
Onion-Knight, which still in develop is a free ARPG game for the IOS. We would like to use this opportunity to share this game. We will continue to ad...
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Events are now mobile! Download the official iPhone application and take advantage of the fol...
Be prepared to take control of your flight Remo in this exciting and amazing game from your command center. Meteoroids flying over the place and you n...
J.P. Morgan’s Research iPad application, gives you 24/7 access to the actionable ideas, strategy, recommendations and analysis that truly distinguishe...
The J.P. Morgan Insights app is a powerful way to access and customize J.P. Morgan’s insights. Inform your decisions using fully interactive content ...
Credit Suisse LOCUS On-The-Go delivers key content and functionality from the award winning LOCUS Platform. This app provides access to the key LOCU...
J.P. Morgan DataQuery is a cross-product application for analyzing & charting of historic financial data. The interface is available for the web, iPad...
J.P. Morgan's eXecute, FX & commodities trading app helps institutional clients manage their business away from their desk. Download our app to monito...
Ever wondered who unfollowed you on Twitter? With Twitter Followers, you can find who unfollowed you, who is not following you back, track new followe...