

大台南市於民國99年12月25日合併升格為直轄市後,勞工局為臺南市政府之一級機關,下轄就業促進、勞資關係、勞動條件、勞安福利四科及職訓就服中心一個二級機關。以『樂業大台南』為願景,提供民眾多元化的職業訓練選擇及便捷的就業服務,期使帶給大台南地區勞工朋友優質穩定的生活。 臺南市政府勞工局期望結合App...

8 Circles

Bring together what belongs together!Test your dexterity and concentration over 48 challenging levels. “8 Circles” is the perfect puzzle game you can ...


'Please daddy, can you make me another quiz?' Those were the words that made us know we had set it all right. A spelling app developed and tested by b...

Celebrity BMI

*** Celebrity BMI - now available as a FREE app! ***BMI (Body Mass Index) is an indicator of how healthy your weight is, given your height.Calculate y...