老人宝掌上客户端,让父母使用的智能机定时上传定位数据、为父母提供一键求助、语音提醒、亲情拨号等功能。轻松一点即可为父母送去贴心的服务,让你的孝心换一种方式,弹指之间,孝心相连。免費玩老人宝 APP玩免費免費玩老人宝 App老人宝 APP LOGO老人宝 APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用A...
老人宝掌上客户端,让父母使用的智能机定时上传定位数据、为父母提供一键求助、语音提醒、亲情拨号等功能。轻松一点即可为父母送去贴心的服务,让你的孝心换一种方式,弹指之间,孝心相连。免費玩老人宝 APP玩免費免費玩老人宝 App老人宝 APP LOGO老人宝 APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用A...
养老宝是中国银行与基金公司合作推出的余额理财服务,主要面向中国银行保障卡持卡客户,提供货币市场基金买入以及T+0快速卖出服务,可实时到账,以解您用钱之急。您也可实时查看您的总资产、每日收益情况,轻轻松松管理您的闲余资金。支持在手机APP、网页、网点柜台等多渠道购买,方便快捷。 货币基金不等同于银行存...
养心宝-心理体检与调理 “全民焦虑”时代下,让压力变成浮云,您不想试试? 好心态,幸福感的基石,事业线的动力! 心态,决定一切。幸福成功,在您手中! 养心宝,心理体检+自我调理的APP领航者。 ================ 养心宝,领先的五大特色功能: 心理体检:每周一次;中断可继续;掩饰、夸大...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Spanish to German and from German to Spanish. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from Korean to Spanish and from Spanish to Korean. Spanish Korean Translator can be used a diction...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Arabic to German and from German to Arabic. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too. ...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from German to French and from French to German. French German Translator can be used a dictionary...
Classic Free Match Linking Game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy (including gummy bear, candy bar, parodo,etc). Pass the levels and try to...
Classic Free timed three round of matching Candy Soda game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy, Crush it! pass the levels and try to get all ...
Classic, fun & super addictive CANDY Rain Flood Mania is here. This arcade derived candy game is a combi of Candy and colour flooding fun! You get the...