膳道美食 app


下班了,今晚吃什么好?朋友来了,做点什么好?老人、孕妇、孩子,应该注意什么好?膳道美食为你私人订制。 这是一款年轻人最喜欢的美食APP,汇聚全国各地美食、小吃,首创手机端上传菜谱,独家连载大型美食视频《做好吃的》,让分享变得更简单,让步骤变得更生动。海量美食菜谱,科学订制搭配,让你和家人吃出健康,让...

Thread Campus

Connect with your campus like never before! Thread shows you people from your campus and lets you anonymously decide who you’d like to meet. If they l...

Ice Bag.

There is no way out. Target is to follow 3 basic rules:1) Be quite2) Beware of red icicles3) Have fun !!!Press and hold the right side of the screen t...