

胎动是胎儿健康的晴雨表,一般来说,28周以后的胎动已经比较规律了,医生会推荐准妈妈28周后坚持每天数胎动。如果胎动情况发生剧变,就可能是胎儿遇到了危险,如宫内缺氧。 所以,数胎动被认为是最简单易行的家庭监测方式,还能加深妈妈和宝宝之间的交流。 记录孕期胎动; 胎动异常时发出警报,紧急情况时提示去医院...

myFuelLog Lite

Keep track of your supplies conveniently. Insertion fast and easy. It tracks time and location. Customize the main screen with the logo of your car an...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيميهدف هذا البرنامج لتعريف العالم باللهجة الموصلية ويحتوي على اكثر من ١٠٠ كلمة باللهجة الموصلية اضافة الى الكلمة العربية الفصحى......


Take the Journey to explore Islam and The Biography of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him.This application will give you the true image of Islam and i...

Syberia FULL

Kate Walker, a young ambitious lawyer from New York, is handed what seems a fairly straightforward assignment - a quick stopover to handle the sale of...