

麦肯基(McKenzie)是由澳大利亚Robin McKenzie先生独创的一门专门治疗颈肩腰腿痛的技术。该技术是目前治疗颈肩腰腿痛的最新非手术疗法,具有安全、见效快、疗程短、容易预防复发的特点。受到全世界物理治疗师和医师的认可。 麦肯基先生认为坐姿不良和反复低头弯腰是造成颈肩腰腿痛的重要因素。因此...

Halloween Run

Happy Halloween! It's time to run! Gameplay Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dukpB9ht-mMWe started Halloween Run after playing some runner games w...

Night Kids

Welcome to the World of Night Kids. Choose your favorite Night Kids and duel with people all around the world. The Challenge is await for you. Join no...


How many times have you been sitting in the haircut chair, and been completely thrown for a loop when the person preparing to cut your hair asks what ...