Stock Widget
Keep track of your portfolio throughout the day with this finance widget for your home screen and lock screen.Stock Widget is a personalized stock tic...
Keep track of your portfolio throughout the day with this finance widget for your home screen and lock screen.Stock Widget is a personalized stock tic...
Stock Widget + Free allows you to keep tabs on your financial portfolio at a glance. This powerful app widget can track stocks, funds, currencies and ...
Stock Widget + allows you to keep tabs on your financial portfolio at a glance. This powerful app widget can track stocks, funds, currencies and more....
不要错过最重要的事情,得到通知! 某些手机/应用程序事件发生时,应用程序将显示一个弹出通知窗口。 这个应用程序是非常定制提供了许多选择,以满足您的需求和风格。频繁的更新和新功能。 功能包括: 弹出窗口通知: •SMS / MMS讯息 •未接来电 •日历事件 •K-9邮件客户端(的回转邮件,K-9...
Add your favourite pictures on Home! *** This is a WIDGET, not an app, long press on home screen and choose Widgets to add and configure it! *** This ...
Who does not know the Tamagotchi? Now it's done and it is for the Android fans Android in the form there. It is a simple and funny Tama. Do you have a...
A "useful" widget, if you want to have the cute Android mascotte on your screen :)Don't expect anything... because it does absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-...
If you are like me checking the futures charts every day or so, you'll love this little widget that I made for you.With this widget on your homesc...
Add your favourite pictures on Home! *** This is a WIDGET, not an app, long press on home screen and choose Widgets to add and configure it! *** This ...
Add daily quotes to home screen, lock screenFirst and only app allows custom fonts for home screen Quote widgets.1. Transparent Quote Widget2. Font Co...