这是一款好友位置共享及信息发布平台,目前支持的功能包括群位置共享、群内信息发布、好友轨迹查询、好友位置跟随、好友信息交流和查看附近的人等。 本软件的应用场景非常广泛: 1)好友出行 一群好友结对出游时可以用该软件随时的查看其他好友的位置。若单独活动亦可随时知晓大部队的位置,不至于走散。即使分散开,也...
这是一款好友位置共享及信息发布平台,目前支持的功能包括群位置共享、群内信息发布、好友轨迹查询、好友位置跟随、好友信息交流和查看附近的人等。 本软件的应用场景非常广泛: 1)好友出行 一群好友结对出游时可以用该软件随时的查看其他好友的位置。若单独活动亦可随时知晓大部队的位置,不至于走散。即使分散开,也...
內容介紹 : Meet Owy, the little bird who loves cookies. He needs your help to get those. Help him to collect as many as cookies on the go. FEATURES - Sim...
Regularly helps you keep track of all those repeating tasks which don't have fixed calendar schedules. Maybe you water your plants about once a we...
***This font is mainly suit for Samsung Galaxy's phone (S4 has not perfectly support now), or other phones with FlipFont installed******No need to...
Regularity Rally (Time Speed Distance). Want to be the best co-pilot ever?With this app specialy designed to be used inside a running car you will avo...
***This font is mainly suit for Samsung Galaxy's phone (S4 has not perfectly support now), or other phones with FlipFont installed******No need to...
***This font is mainly suit for Samsung Galaxy's phone (S4 has not perfectly support now), or other phones with FlipFont installed******No need to...
***This font is mainly suit for Samsung Galaxy's phone (S4 has not perfectly support now), or other phones with FlipFont installed******No need to...
心灵鸡汤,心灵的方向,做人的道理,生活中小小的故事,让你感悟,让你珍惜,有益于精神或心理的充满哲理的小故事。 本书分为幸福在身边流淌、换种眼光看世界、苦难是一笔财富、主宰自己的命运、接受平凡拒绝平庸、拥有自信无所不能、对人恭敬庄严自己、学会放弃懂得选择、心中有爱、学与教等十三个主题,囊括了近千个发人...
搜狐影院,中国最专业的在线观看电影平台,只专注高清正版的电影大片,只提供极致完善的观影服务。搜狐影院面向高品位电影爱好者提供最专业的电影服务,从精准的个性化推荐与搜索、全方位的电影展示、高品质的影音画呈现,到观影后的深度解析、影迷互动,搜狐影院无疑是线上观影的最佳选择。【应用特色】1. 精编专题:专...