《聊齋誌異》,簡稱《聊齋》,俗名《鬼狐傳》,是中國清代著名小說傢蒲松齡的著作。題材非常廣汎,內容极其豐富。《聊齋誌異》的藝術成就很高。它成功地塑造了眾多的藝術典型,人物形象鮮明生動,故事情節麴摺離奇,結搆佈侷嚴謹巧妙,文筆簡練,描寫細膩,堪稱中國古典短篇小說之巔峰。免費玩聊齋誌異(白話文+簡繁體) ...
《聊斋志异》是一部用传奇手法写成的“鬼狐史”。这部奇书自问世以来,就一直深深地吸引着广大读者。书中的许多故事更是家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。该书作者蒲松龄,生活在中国封建社会最后两个朝代相交替的时代:他生于明崇祯十三年(1640 年),清康熙五十四年(1715 年)辞世。动荡不堪的社会,触目惊心的现实,使这...
Easy Beat Maker is a full multi-track beatmaking & sequencing, music-production environment. Its easy to use and simple interface inspires you like no...
ShipmatcH, the furutistic flight simulator, is here! Fly alone or with friends in a variety of game modes, like racing, dogfighting, and defending the...
★★Sale!! 50% off for a limited time onlySudoku! HD for iPad is an easy to use iPad application with tons of features and puzzles to keep you entertain...
Sharpen your math skills with challenging addition, subtraction, division and multiplication problems.Determine if the expression on the left is great...
"Learn vocabulary and spelling while your kids play it.""It's easier to play and a good way for your kids to learn english vocabulary"This app is desi...
This handy application presents you several self-guided walking tours to see the best of the city, and it comes with detailed tour route maps and powe...