一款以中国的龙年春节作为游戏背景,比较应景的一款休闲游戏。游戏玩法相当的简单,主角站在一个不断向上的简易升降梯上,而游戏的目标就是尽可能让主角上升得越高越好,不过这一路上可并非是一帆风顺噢。 在升高的过程中,天上会不停的掉下来各式各样莫名其妙的东西,从钉子、果核到千斤顶,神马东西是应有尽有,被砸到的...
Tv Indo adalah Sebuah Aplikasi Tv Online Indonesia gratis. Dalam aplikasi ini tersedia 10 chanel tv indonesia yang diantaranya adalah Metro tv, RCTI, ...
Indonesia TV Plus is an app to watch Indonesian TV channels and International TV channels via internet.Channels will be updated daily without any app ...
Early Leaner is intended to help teach young children aged between 4 to 7 the basics.Aims to improve : READING WRITING NUMERACY SPELLING DICTIONFeatur...
Completely customizable. Designed to track unlimited income streams and expenses. Monitor income derived from rent, shares, wages etc. & expenses whic...
Designed for doctors by doctors. A must have for aesthetic & cosmetic practitioners. Facilitates the process of storing consultation records and pre &...
QuickGrocery is a simple grocery list application that was developed to make your grocery shopping easier and faster.Add items to your grocery list fa...
The Grocery List is aimed to simplify your everyday grocery items into a colorful & elegant yet organized way. You will never have to circle around a ...
It is the perfect app to have when doing your shopping, so that no matter when you are doing your shopping you have access to your shopping list. No l...