UA Cinemas App 为您提供即时Android手机购票服务! 更提供UA戏院即日/预售电影时间表、即时座位表等等,请即下载! UA(娱艺)院线于1985年由立基集团创立,首家影院设于沙田,并率先将美式的综合影院引入香港,于一间影院内设多间迷你影院,为香港观众带来崭新及多元化的电影体验。 过...
UA Cinemas App 为您提供即时Android手机购票服务! 更提供UA戏院即日/预售电影时间表、即时座位表等等,请即下载! UA(娱艺)院线于1985年由立基集团创立,首家影院设于沙田,并率先将美式的综合影院引入香港,于一间影院内设多间迷你影院,为香港观众带来崭新及多元化的电影体验。 过...
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Going to Venice? Get this FREE City Guides Catalog, a personal advisor in your pocket which helps you plan and have the perfect trip. With restaurants...
威尼斯指南是您友好和可靠的伙伴,她会为您带来您意想不到的收获,您会体会到最流行的本地热点,最炫酷的奇妙之地,和游客必到的经典景点。 这些智能手机指南是由生活在世界各地的当地旅行家和顶尖的旅行记者所编写,这就确保了这些内容是最新和最棒的。 特色: - 这部指南涵盖威尼斯之行的所有精华 - 威尼斯城市地...
This Application is dedicated to the city of Venice, keeps you updated on the latest news, provides information on public transports (ATAF bus) and tr...
PocketGuide, the world’s leading audio city guide application, gives you tours by voice, revealing the best stories, insider hangouts and must-see sig...
Venice (Italian: Venezia) is one of the most interesting and lovely places in the world.This sanctuary on a lagoon is virtually the same as it was six...
IRTI - The Islamic Research and Training Institute is an affiliate of the Islamic Development Bank Group responsible for leading the development and s...
Die wein.pur App „Best of Austria 2011“ führt Sie zu den besten Weingütern Österreichs. 24 AutorInnen waren unterwegs, um die Weingüter persönlich zu ...