English-Lithuanian Dictionary
Glosbe - Multimedia Dictionary English-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-EnglishKey Features:- Translation of phrases / expressions with meanings- Examples of th...
Glosbe - Multimedia Dictionary English-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-EnglishKey Features:- Translation of phrases / expressions with meanings- Examples of th...
Glosbe - Multimediální slovník Češtino-Němčina, Němčino-ČeštinaKlíčové vlastnosti:- Překlad fráze / výrazů s významy- Příklady použití přeložených vět...
Bitcoin ATM Locator is the app to locate the closest Bitcoin ATM near you !More than 30 Bitcoin ATMs listed and detailed around the world and we updat...
Glosbe - multimedialny słownik Polsko-Portugalski, Portugalsko-Polski Najważniejsze funkcje:- tłumaczenie zwrotów/wyrażeń z wraz ze znaczeniami- przyk...
We all know it: "Time is money. " Every minute is precious and should be used meaningfully. This also applies to meetings! There are always people who...
SOAR – established in 1982 - has opened up the world to 10,000 fearful fliers. Now available as an app created by the leading authority on flight phob...
スマホを振るだけでカウントアップ可能なゴルフ用スコアカウンターです。画面をタッチ操作しなくても良いのでグローブをしたままでOK!ロック中でも使えます。【基本操作説明】 1.ポケットからスマホを取り出す 2.電源ボタンでスリープ解除 3.スマホを振ってカウントアップ! (画面タップ、音量アップキーでも...
Bicycling Australia is the leading bicycle magazine in Australia. Packed with interesting and useful information that will enhance your cycling experi...
For women experiencing some form of premenstrual syndrome, there is now PMS ER – a PMS aid that can hopefully help you through difficult periods. This...
Die Application SpeadLearn ermöglicht die Kombination von schnellen Lesen und gutem Einprägen des verarbeiteten Inhalts. Was sonst nur schwer möglich ...