虽然我们是糖尿病高危人群,但我们相信合理膳食与健康生活能够驱散患者的阴霾。 虽然我们是糖尿病患者,但我们相信现代医学与科学调养的结合能够击退令人恐惧的病魔。 虽然我们的亲人正遭受糖尿病的折磨,但我们相信周到照料与悉心关怀能够帮助他们度过难关。 “糖尿病助手”应用,慢乐网又一倾情奉献; 在这里,您可以...
糖尿病是将健康状况乖乖记录下来也是很重要的,除了可以时时掌握自己的身体状况之外,也可以在回诊时提供给医师做参考,对有糖尿病的人来说,血糖、血压、体重都是必须详加追踪记录的唷! 「糖尿病手记」是功能最齐全的一款,可记录包含血糖、血压、体重以及胰岛素的施打剂量。提供图表让你了解所有数值的长期变化,也可将...
In this kApp the recognized expert in fly fishing for billfish, Billy Pate, is your guide to the knowledge and expertise you need to pursue and catch ...
This 101 introductory kApp consists of four hours of classroom-style training and provides an introduction on how to use Microsoft Excel 2010. In this...
Provides viewers with valuable information that will help them to be better prepared for the many challenges of fly fishing. Detailed instruction is p...
This 101 introductory kApp consists of six hours of classroom-style training and provides an introduction on how to use Microsoft Word 2010. In this k...
About this kApp - Italy Travel and Vacation Planning Guide. In this kApp explore Venice, get tips and insight into what to see and do, where to go and...
This 103 upper-level kApp is equivalent to one full day of classroom training and provides the AutoCAD using professional with in-depth information re...