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PChome相簿App 是一款提供輕快上傳功能的相簿瀏覽器,簡單步驟即可將照片上傳到自己的PChome相簿。支援拍照即時同步上傳、多張照片批次上傳、失敗清單重新傳送,並可隨時透過行動裝置瀏覽帳號內所有相簿縮圖與相片列表。PChome相簿App‧聰明隱密-可選擇是否公開相簿   ‧省時方便-支援多張選...


Addictively simple and simply addictive. That’s SpInsane!Enjoy the fun of match-4 puzzle games with innovative controls. Rotate the layers of the boar...


SpinQuizzy is the new way to challenge yourself, friends and family - a true interactive fun experience for all.Play on your own or head-to-head with ...


Turn and fly! Touch and enjoy! Simple action game. "SpinOyaji"You will turn and fly! You will touch and enjoy! Simple action game which determines a f...


Spinny ball is a unique game in which you have to accelerate and spin a blue ball to avoid the falling objects. There are two kinds of falling objects...