

不管是學運、核電、廢死等與台灣民眾攸關的國內兩岸新聞,還是遠在歐美非的國際新聞,只要下載風傳媒 APP,時事新聞讓您一手掌握。風傳媒只提供最宏觀視野的國際新聞、最強的政治調查新聞、最強的主筆群評論、最能廣納讀者回饋意見的平台四大特色,開拓電子新媒體的新紀元。【風傳媒 APP的功能與特色】1.即時推播...

Thread Campus

Connect with your campus like never before! Thread shows you people from your campus and lets you anonymously decide who you’d like to meet. If they l...

Ice Bag.

There is no way out. Target is to follow 3 basic rules:1) Be quite2) Beware of red icicles3) Have fun !!!Press and hold the right side of the screen t...