

A very good boo to read which include# Social Research# Social Survey#Hypothesis# Hypothesis# Techniques of data collection# AverageIt is a very usefu...

MDLinx Survey

The MDLinx Survey App is a medical market research mobile survey platform designed to bring market research opportunities directly to qualified health...

OpenEMIS Survey

The OpenEMIS Survey application is a data capture tool that is designed to collect data at the school or district level. With the OpenEMIS Survey appl...


這是一個紫微斗數排盤工具. 它可以根據國曆生日(將會自動轉成農曆生日或可直接輸入農曆生日), 生辰與性別排出紫微命盤. 排盤的結果可以選擇性的存入排盤記錄方便日後直接將命盤排出無需重新輸入資料. 此一版本尚未加入命盤解釋, 故仍在特價優惠中, 日後若加入詳細命盤解釋則有可能調回原價. 現在購買者於日...