《紅樓夢》,原名《石頭記》,是中國的一部古典長篇章回小說,亦是唯一成書於清朝中葉的四大名著之一。 《紅樓夢》書內提及的書名還有《情僧錄》、《風月寶鑑》、《金陵十二釵》,乾隆四十九年甲辰(1784年)夢覺主人序本題為《紅樓夢》,在第一次活字印刷後,《紅樓夢》便取代《石頭記》而成為通行的書名。現今學界一...
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From San Francisco's street art to the eight months of flowing fog, it all starts to make sense when you let your curiosity out for a stroll with Thin...
This app is specially built for P2P IP camera series. thanks to unique P2P connection technology that users are able to watch live video on iPhone fro...
Orxter is an orchestra karaoke for violin. Orxter provides symphony orchestra accompaniment for violinist to practise and play with. With Orxter music...
Welcome to the Cookie Factory for iPhone! Start with the cookie dough and end up eating your fresh cookies! The Cookie Factory is fun for everyone! - ...
fly a paperPlane and make awesome artwork! no ads, no internet connection required... fly with a paper-plane and make incredible art works, and see yo...