《紅樓夢》,原名《石頭記》,是中國的一部古典長篇章回小說,亦是唯一成書於清朝中葉的四大名著之一。 《紅樓夢》書內提及的書名還有《情僧錄》、《風月寶鑑》、《金陵十二釵》,乾隆四十九年甲辰(1784年)夢覺主人序本題為《紅樓夢》,在第一次活字印刷後,《紅樓夢》便取代《石頭記》而成為通行的書名。現今學界一...
This game is an easy way for kids to learn shapes. We happy to say this simple game for preschoolers and kindergarten-aged children that made very eas...
The Medical Coding Practice Exam features 10 free multiple choice practice exam questions to help students prepare for the Medical Coding Certificatio...
The Medical Coding Practice Exam features 150 multiple choice practice questions to help students prepare for the Medical Coding Certification Exam.Th...
The Medical Coding Practice Exam features 150 multiple choice practice questions to help students prepare for the Medical Coding Certification Exam.Th...
If you are hoping to work in a Medical Office, then you'll want to download this book! 300 questions (and answers) that any medical office employee sh...
Prepositions are relationship or directional words. They link the nouns, pronouns, verbs and phrases together in sentence. Without prepositions, it wo...