園崎美子的母親看著女兒躺在床上。 米色的床單沾染著血跡,園崎美子的頭往後仰,左手朝上緊抓棉被,右手卻折成兩部份斜立,腰微微彎曲,背部如弓形兩腳屈膝。臉上佈滿許多膿疱,蔓延至全身皮膚──忽然啪嚓一聲,從眼皮中鑽出一條蟲體,牠有漆黑的身軀與碩大的頭部,與蜻蜓的複眼相當類似的結構,黑色無神的大眼緊緊看著園...
歡迎使用國泰人壽My MobiLife App,3.0全新版本擁有嶄新的風貌和內容,提供您全新操作體驗和最完善的行動服務。本程式部分功能需登入會員,您可洽詢服務人員或至國泰人壽官方網站查詢加入會員相關事宜。六大特色,十六大功能: ● 最新消息:提供國泰人壽最新優惠和好康活動訊息。 ● 商品介紹:提供...
歡迎使用新光人壽行動服務 Android App, 提供新光人壽行動服務資訊! 服務功能: 1.我的保單:(該功能須為會員才能使用,可洽詢服務員或至新光人壽官方網站查詢加入會員相關事宜。) ※提供保單資料(保單基本資料、保單貸款、附約明細、繳費明細等等)、保險費繳納證明、理賠紀錄及進度查詢、保單借款...
Tired of being the only one in your house that has to deal with the morning alarm? Use the Family Alarm and have others ‘follow’ your alarm. So when y...
This application is design to provide you movie showtimes conveniently on your mobile device. Now you don't have to go through newspapers or the websi...
Get movie showtimes, trailers, movie ratings and other information about movies currently in Cinemas in Bahrain. This application is design to provide...
♥♥♥ FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME, ENJOY IT NOW !!! ♥♥♥One of the most difficult and yet crucial decisions you will make when playing no limit Texas holdem ...
The best metronome for iPhone, is also an intuitive and powerful groove box / drum machine with high definition sounds, now with Audiobus compatibilit...
The No Budget Movie Slate for iPhone / iPad assists small video production groups slate their takes and sync video with audio.Swipe left or right to s...