Hutos Math Lite
Introducing Hutos Math: an interactive app for children 5 years and older available on the iPad or iPhone. Designed by the award-winning team at Cotto...
Introducing Hutos Math: an interactive app for children 5 years and older available on the iPad or iPhone. Designed by the award-winning team at Cotto...
Go4d Virtual Reality DEMO. used Unity 3D engine with Dive sbs SDK. Experience the 3D VR SpaceShip There are 10 health boxes that you can find. Each he...
Funny videos. The best collection of funny videos. Thousands of funny videos specially selected for you. Updated every day. Never get bored again! - F...
This is an UNLOCKER for PRO features in GLUE app. This is not a standalone app. First you have to have the free version of Smartphone Avatar installed...
The unlocker key for "Rita's tales for children" IMPORTANT: This is just the unlocker key. It is not usable alone. Please install and test "Rita's tal...
Tale for children. Short stories about children for children. The app includes 10 sweet tales for children (2-6 year old). The first 7 little tales ar...
"Wildlife Animals Jigsaw Cartoon 為小朋友設計。它在一個設計友好的世界裡帶來了一個有趣的和逐漸越具挑戰性的遊戲。有了野生動物拼圖卡通遊戲,您的孩子將學會以遊戲的方式認識許多野生動物 !現在免費試玩Wildlife Animals Jigsaw Cartoon Free...
Memo Game Sealife在 2013 年2次被評為最佳世界經典遊戲,且在超過 11 個國家的教育類別中位居第 1 名。Memo Game Sealife 是一款最具教育意義和最有趣的針對0-10歲兒童的App,目標是更有趣味和更加交互地教育兒童。有兩種級別可供選擇,每個特定針對特定年齡組。...
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