

快速,輕鬆地支持各種國家語言翻譯已經被釋放。選擇要翻譯了一些它的特點走出國門!直接,或通過語音識別輸入的文本可以被翻譯和本地化的內容可以很容易地共享。♣主要特點- 42語言翻譯- 的詞典翻譯功能- 文本和語音翻譯- 分享翻譯- 更改所選國家的曝光順序- 易於用戶界面- 口譯,筆譯,談吐,語言,旅遊可...

myFuelLog Lite

Keep track of your supplies conveniently. Insertion fast and easy. It tracks time and location. Customize the main screen with the logo of your car an...


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيميهدف هذا البرنامج لتعريف العالم باللهجة الموصلية ويحتوي على اكثر من ١٠٠ كلمة باللهجة الموصلية اضافة الى الكلمة العربية الفصحى......


Take the Journey to explore Islam and The Biography of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him.This application will give you the true image of Islam and i...

Syberia FULL

Kate Walker, a young ambitious lawyer from New York, is handed what seems a fairly straightforward assignment - a quick stopover to handle the sale of...