

很多人去過義大利!這個美麗的國家讓人再三玩味! 很多人想去義大利!美食,美景,無限吸引力! 很多人準備去義大利! 開始準備:旅遊書籍,親友意見,上網搜尋…,因為就怕少準備了甚麼!吃甚麼!玩甚麼!買甚麼!每樣都有各式各樣的版本…,該怎麼取捨?什麼是自己真正想要的? “Top50 義大利” 以消費者的立...

Tower Fall

Avoid the towers by tilting the device or by tapping the left side of the screen to make the person go to the left, and the right side to make the per...

Tower Doodle

*OVER 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS +++This is a very strategic game, stack all the Towers to reach the green target. If u touch the red target u will loose a l...

Tower Down

The land is approved; the loan is ready. Let’s hurry up and build a tower!In this crowded and busy city, the land is more and more rare. But now you g...