本院為落實議事資訊透明公開,提供會議實況轉播服務,考量現有使用者習慣,開發多媒體隨選視訊系統APP,以服務更多對國會議事議案關切之使用者。 本系統影音訊號來源為本院院會及委員會會議之錄影、錄音,會議實況以不經剪輯,不加旁白,不設主持人之方式轉播;隨選視訊則採用本院多媒體隨選視訊系統之影音資料,以隨選...
本院為落實議事資訊透明公開,提供會議實況轉播服務,考量現有使用者習慣,開發多媒體隨選視訊系統APP,以服務更多對國會議事議案關切之使用者。 本系統影音訊號來源為本院院會及委員會會議之錄影、錄音,會議實況以不經剪輯,不加旁白,不設主持人之方式轉播;隨選視訊則採用本院多媒體隨選視訊系統之影音資料,以隨選...
La nouvelle Constitution du Royaume du Maroc s'invite sur Android.Cette application a pour pour objectif de permettre la consultation des différen...
Découvrez ou redécouvrez les textes fondamentaux de la Vème République :- La Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958.- La Déclaration des Droits de l...
Langenscheidt dictionaries - dictionaries, phrasebooks and reference products for school, home, office, and travel from the most internationally renow...
Mondadori Langenscheidt Dizionario Global Italiano-Inglese/ Inglese-Italiano is one of four remarkable dictionaries from Mondadori Group, one of the t...
The PONS Dictionary English BASIC with 120,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check...
The PONS Dictionary French BASIC with 106,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check ...
The PONS Dictionary Spanish BASIS with 100,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check...
The PONS Dictionary Italian BASIC with 100,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to check...
The PONS Dictionary Portuguese BASIC with 110,000 headwords, phrases and translations is a reliable aid for everyday and leisure use!Do you need to ch...