一个自杀的少妇,穿越醒来的第一天,两个只看得清眼睛的孩子站在床前.女孩说:娘,你快起来,我好饿! 男孩说:妹妹,爹骂她是只破鞋,我们可不能叫她娘亲!不会吧?陆玉敏眨了几次眼睛,眼前还是这两只泥猴子似的小包子,难道老天是看我前世失去女儿的份上,送一儿一女给我做补偿?不过,这破鞋二字从一个孩子的嘴里说出...
一个自杀的少妇,穿越醒来的第一天,两个只看得清眼睛的孩子站在床前.女孩说:娘,你快起来,我好饿! 男孩说:妹妹,爹骂她是只破鞋,我们可不能叫她娘亲!不会吧?陆玉敏眨了几次眼睛,眼前还是这两只泥猴子似的小包子,难道老天是看我前世失去女儿的份上,送一儿一女给我做补偿?不过,这破鞋二字从一个孩子的嘴里说出...
茫茫穿越大軍,美豔女子穿至古風朝代。宮廷揹景,朝黨之爭,後宮相鬥,爾虞我詐,險象環生,情感糾結。。。。。。 天價皇後 皇上,休了! 丞相府的三小姐,沐青瑤被南安王慕容流昭一拳打死了,卻迎來了另一個全新的女人,光芒四射,魅力驚人。 沐青瑤物語,即便你貴為皇帝,下了天價的騁禮,但我堂堂陸戰軍第17團的參...
Do you want to keep an eye on your kids to see what they are up to on the internet? Protect your child by restricting them from accessing inappropriat...
Brilliant casual game for smart people and clever children.The objective is to build six color towers. Blue, green, red, cyan, magenta and brown tower...
Dress Up – Little Pet Salon :Welcome to Little Pet Salon, the world of little cute pets and you. Your imagination and creativeness is unlimited and yo...
Stoplicht is een hulpmiddel tijdens zelfstandig werken in de klas.Iedere kleur staat voor een andere afspraak.Uiteraard kan Stoplicht ook in andere si...
Do you love fashion? Do you love Paris? These 3 girls definitely do! They love to do some shopping in Paris to find the most fashionable outfits. And ...
Defend Your Sleep! Any parent with a young child knows how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep. Your child can come in at any time and wak...
The Tower of Hanoi puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. We are given a tower of eight disks, initially stacked in in...
This is a timer application that uses color instead of numbers. You can setup any number of color transitions with any color. Great for presenters whe...