Hourly Rate Calculator
A simple user friendly calculator to calculate the amount of your money you are due based on the starting time, the ending time, the wage, and (option...
A simple user friendly calculator to calculate the amount of your money you are due based on the starting time, the ending time, the wage, and (option...
Now you can easily add, subtract, multiply and divide in hrs:mins, hrs.decimal or a mixture of both !This calculator can be used to calculate the play...
This is an Hours of Service Calculator for North American rules and regulations. You enter our daily work hours and if applicable, the appropriate res...
Now you can add, subtract, multiply and divide in hrs:mins, hrs.decimal or a mixture of both !Example1:02 + 3.4 would result in 4:26Now you don't ...
There is no doubt that we all have played the game “calculate 24” where we are given 4 numbers ( in this app, 4 cards), and we need to use these numbe...
Construction Calc Pro - *24 Hour Trial*Save money by quickly estimating materials. Save time by calculating angles, measurements and quantities. The i...
It is very important to stimulate and then to maintain the interest in numbers and math in the childhood. Calculate 24 is the best tool for this purpo...
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应用简介: 上海滑稽戏是在抗日战争中期,由上海的曲艺“独角戏”接受了中外喜剧、闹剧和江南各地方戏曲的影响而逐步形成的新兴戏曲剧种。它流行于上海、江苏、浙江的许多地区,受到广大观众的欢迎。 滑稽戏的特点: 滑稽戏的音乐,沿用独脚戏的“九腔十八调”。滑稽戏的表演,是以独脚戏、相声等曲艺的表演为基础,又吸...