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下载来玩玩你的新游戏“TAXI 3D”在“休闲”类别在谷歌发挥吧! 打出租车模拟器游戏在3D与令人兴奋的水平和许多有趣的玩法。在驾驶这个疯狂的游戏一个出租车司机。驾驶和比赛你打车来接你的乘客,并在有限的时间放下他们的目的地挣钱。您的方式收集你的现金点,以赚取积分。运送乘客而不会损坏您的爱车。赚来的钱...
The Practical Caregiver is a resource for hands-on education that caregivers need in order to safely and properly care for someone or to judge the qua...
Fantástica recopilación en audio de los mejores cuentos de los famoso Hermanos Grimm.-CAPERUCITA ROJA: Una niña recibe de su madre el encargo de lleva...
With this App, children learn to identify colors (Specifically children 2-3 years old). It is designed to be a tool to help parents, and to be used wi...
Career Search will provide you with job details for over 1400 different jobs. Find the job you’re looking for through our search function or filtering...
Peek-a-Draw is a simple drawing App for kids. It is designed especially for ages 2-4 years old. It is recommended to use with parents.You can draw on ...
Use the free Careers with Code app to discover courses, careers and ideas in computer science + ‘X’ where X is your passion. Computer science careers ...
*Get it once in the app store, and will work on both your iPad and iPhone*An audio collection of talks about private revelation, the end times, the Se...
Bible is the book guiding you through the life and giving you answers to questions which nobody would probably be able to answer. Now Bible comes in a...
Careers I Trivia Challenge – Finding a Job © 2012Our Careers I Trivia Challenge software includes hundreds of questions covering terminology, concepts...