《魔能:神圣之巫》(Magicka)是一款基于挪威神话的动作冒险RPG,玩家要扮演被赋予 神圣使命的巫师,去阻止黑暗男巫利用他召唤的恶魔将整个世界带入混乱的阴谋。这款游戏最 初发布在PC平台,获得了玩家的一致好评,IGN也打出了7.0这样不错的分数。游戏中玩家将操 控七种不同的元素,消灭一系列的怪物...
《魔能:神圣之巫》(Magicka)是一款基于挪威神话的动作冒险RPG,玩家要扮演被赋予 神圣使命的巫师,去阻止黑暗男巫利用他召唤的恶魔将整个世界带入混乱的阴谋。这款游戏最 初发布在PC平台,获得了玩家的一致好评,IGN也打出了7.0这样不错的分数。游戏中玩家将操 控七种不同的元素,消灭一系列的怪物...
奇幻大作,华丽出击!神兽和神器收集乐趣不断,装备的强化镶嵌百玩不厌。轩辕剑的光芒能否照耀大地?充满爱恨情仇的冒险等你来演绎! 【故事背景】: 宿命将带您置身神魔抗争时期那段爱恨情仇的传奇故事之中。轩辕黄帝后裔继承黄帝血脉,重新举起轩辕圣剑,拯救苍生,并结实众多伙伴,挑战传说中最强魔神,惊心动魄的历程...
Motosetra Apps merupakan aplikasi pengendali terpadu alarm cerdas motosetra.Motosetra adalah alarm motor sekaligus alat pengendali motor yang canggih,...
Simple widget that allows you to have a converter for traveling everywhere. But much more also.Updating currency on Internet once a day by the Europea...
Shopper is a very simple list to be able to manage your grocery list (or other).I wanted to keep it simple :- one list- add items- delete items- share...
www.drivetest.tv All your cars in one place! Quality reviews, honest oppionions! All your favourite car makers are here: Ferrari, Aston Martin, Merced...
SUDOKU (Number Place) is major puzzle game.[Featrue]1. Every Sunday(Japanese time) , Question will be added.2. Choosing the Question is easy , because...
UPDATE: NEW IMPACT FACTORS UPDATED! Hot off the press!Get a ranking of medical journals by impact factor and medical speciality for free! No data conn...
脳波測定 LBA Multi SensorMindWave Mobile, B3Band用。1台の端末で最大4つの脳波センサーを接続し、脳波を同時測定出来ます。※購入前に試用版で動作確認してください。(LBA Multi Sensor Trial)※4センサー同時測定は端末や状況により接続できない場...
How would you move your neck to depict the movement of a snake? A kiss on both cheeks? The concept of friendship? This app presents the neck movements...