这是一款来自DroidHen的游戏大作! Defender是一个非常好玩的塔防类的游戏,玩家需要守卫自己的城堡,抵御来自各种各样怪物的攻击! 虽然这款游戏的体积并不算大,只有不到10MB,但是游戏的画面一点都不含糊,动画效果也非常炫丽,游戏中的各种元素非常的丰富.作为塔防类的游戏,本作的商店系统可以...
这是一款来自DroidHen的游戏大作! Defender是一个非常好玩的塔防类的游戏,玩家需要守卫自己的城堡,抵御来自各种各样怪物的攻击! 虽然这款游戏的体积并不算大,只有不到10MB,但是游戏的画面一点都不含糊,动画效果也非常炫丽,游戏中的各种元素非常的丰富.作为塔防类的游戏,本作的商店系统可以...
魔兽争霸:塔防,是一款高品质的塔防游戏. 游戏简介: 距今九十六万二千年前,地球历史上的第一次人类文明-“根达亚”文明受到了入侵者的摧残。入侵者为了掠夺资源为所欲为、滥杀无辜。永恒之神派出了守护者去拯救人类,他们将神秘的防守术及魔术教给了人类。最终,一场历经数百年的战争开始了。到底是正义战胜邪恶,还...
魔Q塔防 《魔Q塔防》是一款以人族和魔族之间的战争为背景的全新史诗级塔防大作.玩家需要在游戏中帮助人类获得战争的胜利,合理布阵人族士兵防御魔族大军.多达15张的游戏地图,特殊的BOSS战,全新的升级系统,钱币和宝箱掉落系统,带给你不一样的塔防体验! 游戏特色: 可爱的画面风格—游戏画面精致,Q版3D...
Get back to basics and play the classic game of Mancala on your Android device! You can play against the computer or multiplayer. Mancala is from anci...
Do you like sudoku, chess or other games that can challenge your brain? You'll certainly love Parks, then! It is a logic game based on planting trees ...
Burger Cafe is a face-paced time management game where you make new yummy burger sandwiches and fulfill orders with drinks, desserts, and side orders....
AUDIO AND VIDEO ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH! Get your diving gear in order! Dr. Malitovich’s bacterial Ignarus have entered the digestive system and it’...
Gilly is the lead of the bunch of cute little characters which YOUNG BIRDS has introduced. Gilly's FARM FUN is the first educational & interactive puz...
*******Available for Japan ONLY******* A musical game that includes 5 FREE songs! The famous application on iPhone, downloaded more the 4 million time...
The world comes crashing down. All streets are overflowing with zombies. People scream and hide in the corners waiting for death to come. You aren't l...