「直到街上沒有流浪動物為止」是基金會的最終使命,我們並從教育、宣導、絕育、立法、收送養等實際層面著手,解決台灣流浪動物問題。本應用程式為財團法人流浪動物之家基金會專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 愛的希望● 最新消息● 愛心送養● 愛的幫助● 活動訊息● 貓狗明星● 影音特...
「直到街上沒有流浪動物為止」是基金會的最終使命,我們並從教育、宣導、絕育、立法、收送養等實際層面著手,解決台灣流浪動物問題。本應用程式為財團法人流浪動物之家基金會專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 愛的希望● 最新消息● 愛心送養● 愛的幫助● 活動訊息● 貓狗明星● 影音特...
中國青年創業協會成立源起中國青年創業協會(簡稱青創會)是由行政院青年輔導委員會所輔導成立的社團法人,成立於民國61 年5 月17 日,創會初期是由一群獲得政府創業貸款補助;創業有成而且又熱心服務的有為青年所組成,青創會在政府相關單位的輔導、培植之下,逐步成長、茁壯。81 年因應會員需求青創會陸續在各...
During the first World War, many brave fighter pilots drove their planes to defend their motherland. You are one of these fighter pilots, who should t...
Be Veggie, Go veggie!!Pure food, pure mind and pure heart! Go veg to save the loving atmosphere of the planet Earth. People love to travel beautiful p...
"Dangerous Finger free" is the free edition of the paid edition "Dangerous Finger"."Dangerous Finger free" is very simple and thrilling game.You have ...
DOG JUST CAN'T SURF - POSSIBLE?Dog just grab the surfboard and trying to do ocean surf. Help him to surf by avoiding the hungry sharks on his way.DOWN...
- GOLD EDITION- NO ADS EVERDOG JUST CAN'T SURF - POSSIBLE?Dog just grab the surfboard and trying to do ocean surf. Help him to surf by avoiding the hu...
Guide Splashy the dolphin through a dangerous maze of obstacles. Tap and flap this dolphin to safety.>Tap to flap your fins to swim>Dodge colored wall...
Enjoy the real danger drive on hills. The easy to start but harder to achieve goals on rough hilly areas, reach to your destiny level quickly and writ...
Think you know everything about Vegas? Love to hang by the pool in the day, and go to the strip clubs at night?Test your knowledge of the Vegas lifest...