This app is NOT intended for just any device. It is intended only for certain Galaxy Note 3 devices that uses the Xposed Note3 Ultra Power Saving Mode...
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Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.BarkByte is the latest and greatest way to record the dail...
Want to secure your home while you're out of the house? Barking Dog will help you!Barking Dog reproduces the sounds of an angry dog. Place Barking Dog...
Want to secure your home while you're out of the house? Barking Dog will help you! Barking Dog reproduces the sounds of an angry dog. Place Barking Do...
Different dog sounds (barks, howls, whines)Different cat sounds (meows, angry mews, purr)Different toy sounds (squeeks, rings, squawks)Tiny dog barkin...
BarkNark is the only tool you need to take on nuisance dog owners and get them to silence their animals. How? By compiling indisputable evidence that ...
BarknBond provides animal lovers with an easy-to-use mobile app to find pet-friendly places and information anytime, for anywhere in Mumbai. Want to f...
Barkod is a barcode reader for people who just love to scan anything and everything! Barkod is compatible with all 1D and 2D Barcodes. Our simple intu...