360省电王安卓版攻略是使用这款软件必备的工具 是一款免费的手机安全软件,集防垃圾短信,防骚扰电话,防隐私泄漏,对手机进行安全扫描,联网云查杀恶意软件,软件安装实时检测,流量使用全掌握,系统清理手机加速,归属地显示及查询等功能于一身,是一款功能全面的智能手机安全软件。免費玩360省电王安卓版攻略 A...
360省电王安卓版攻略是使用这款软件必备的工具 是一款免费的手机安全软件,集防垃圾短信,防骚扰电话,防隐私泄漏,对手机进行安全扫描,联网云查杀恶意软件,软件安装实时检测,流量使用全掌握,系统清理手机加速,归属地显示及查询等功能于一身,是一款功能全面的智能手机安全软件。免費玩360省电王安卓版攻略 A...
Simple notification icon that shows CPU usage percentage and CPU frequency. Refreshing every two seconds.Done to be small and fast with few options in...
The best way to increase the CPU productivity of your phone , tablet or any other Android based device.CPU Booster completes dynamic CPU Overclock in ...
CPU Hog will find processes that hog your CPU, and drain your battery.Its works like this, if it detects that your battery temperature is higher then ...
Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for Android , CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device.- SoC (Sys...
The CPU Display App shows basic CPU and system information. With the notification service the CPU usage in percent can be viewed with one touch.Notes:...
-Приложение которое показывает, сколько времени тратит процессор в каждом частотном диапазоне.-Выводи информацию о ядре процессора. ( так можно точно ...
Wanna know which app consumes CPU most ? This wallpaper shows you the CPU load from Unix "top" command output. - Once per second data update- Text col...
Intel dialer is a mobile app for Android. The Intel dialer helps users make international calls easier from an Android phone. The application is free ...
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