Canfield is a card game for one player. application is ad-supported and requires full internet ac...
Canfield is a card game for one player. application is ad-supported and requires full internet ac...
Research Methodology BookThis workbook is a short introduction to research and research methods and will outline some, but not all, key areas of resea...
For bell ringers, change ringers, campanologists:Now comes with some simple help...If you can't get anything to happen, try a long press on the re...
This e-book is an outgrowth of materials assembled for a Research Methods and Statistics graduate business course and is designed to introduce and app...
RuiCardology è un blog personale (viene aggiornato con frequenza assolutamente saltuaria dal celebre Rui Cardo) che parla di piccole perle musicali, c...
„Dve osobine građanskoga staleža su tu naročito predmet Sterijine kritike. On mu pre svega zamera njegovu neiskrenu rodoljubivost, njegov lažni i povr...
Order on the go with the Royal Indian of Charlottesville app! At Royal Indian Restaurant we have attempted to recreate the ambience, atmosphere and th...
Enfield Timing App. A helpful tool for event schedules and news, visitor guides, athlete tracking and results, registration, course maps and FAQs. Pow...
Runge-Kutta Methods is a powerful application to help solving in numerical intitial value problems for differential equations and differential equatio...