Ctrl Bright
Happy with auto-brightness until you're outside trying to show off a picture or look at a map?Ctrl Bright let's you turn brightness all the wa...
Happy with auto-brightness until you're outside trying to show off a picture or look at a map?Ctrl Bright let's you turn brightness all the wa...
"Virtual Restart" restart all the core/user processes to frees up memory.Features list:- Schedule Virtual Restart- Processes ignore list- Virtual Rest...
Presse Suisse Application Android Pour L'actu Suisse. TSR Radio Télévision Suisse120secondes NewsSeriesTV La chronique satirique Le Temps FIFA Eur...
How many times can you press a button moving all over the screen? The game has four diffrent modes: eternal mode, 10 sec, 30 sec and 60 sec. A highsco...
ALTERNATIVE PRESS is the definitive source for new music and youth culture—and now, it's available for your Android smartphone! You can buy single...
AcuPartner Press by Bamboo Software Ltd. Is a user-friendly self treatment tool for Acupressure, for anyone, based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicin...
Note: the command "Restart XBMC” should only work with OpenELEC.You can restart XBMC without a reboot in OpenELEC.This is a quicker way to restart a f...
百灵闪拍是国内首款广告互动社交娱乐软件,热门时尚、简单有趣的品牌任务加上难舍难分的PK挑战赛,给你增添无限欢乐的同时还能赚取更多积分,兑换电影票、充值卡、演唱会门票、数码产品等丰厚奖品!现在还有多款精彩内置游戏等你体验! 【应用特点】 1、玩PK,赢大奖 -邀请好友一同玩游戏PK,连胜次数越多,积分...
百灵闪拍是国内第一款互动广告与好友对战功能相结合的手机社交娱乐软件,古怪有趣的任务、简单好玩的游戏、难舍难分的挑战赛再加上丰富刺激的现金大奖,足够把你的郁闷一扫而光。 “拍海报 送现金”,“赢PK 抢相机”,“随手拍 帮脱光”,“竟时猜图送大礼”等系列精彩活动将陆续闪亮登场,敬请期待!亲,提醒你别太...
Android平台最好用最有创新精神的阅读软件: * 海量资源持续添加的在线书城,数十万本图书、漫画、每天更新的连载系统,没有你找不到的书; * 全球独创的书摘笔记系统,随手选取书中内容,可加批注本地保存,更可联网上传,分享给百阅好友和微博粉丝; * 全新风格的木质书架界面,同时内置6套养眼主题 *...