白居易詩詞集 第一卷
白居易(772年~846 年),漢族,字樂天,晚年又號香山居士,河南新鄭(今鄭州新鄭)人,我國唐代偉大的現實主義詩人,中國文學史上負有盛名且影響深遠的詩人和文學家,他的詩歌題材廣泛,形式多樣,語言平易通俗,有“詩魔”和“詩王”之稱。官至翰林學士、左贊善大夫。有《白氏長慶集》傳世,代表詩作有《長恨歌》...
白居易(772年~846 年),漢族,字樂天,晚年又號香山居士,河南新鄭(今鄭州新鄭)人,我國唐代偉大的現實主義詩人,中國文學史上負有盛名且影響深遠的詩人和文學家,他的詩歌題材廣泛,形式多樣,語言平易通俗,有“詩魔”和“詩王”之稱。官至翰林學士、左贊善大夫。有《白氏長慶集》傳世,代表詩作有《長恨歌》...
All the arabic alphabets in a beautifully draw colouring book. Each page has the arabic word and its meaning. Perfect for preschool and primary school...
Perfect app to calm down crying child or help them fall sleep. Watch Clownfish, Belugas, Stingrays and Sharks swim to classical music. Works without i...
## VISIT OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE AT www.myaonelearning.com ##My Aone Learning is the #1 skill sharing marketplace in Southeast Asia, connecting those who...
!!! Suitable for all ages !!!!!! HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS !!!!!! APP COMPLETELY FREE !!!!!! NO INAPPS !!!Unusual way to make decorative photo without ...
Grammar 4 Writers makes grammar useful. Learn interactively how grammar is the key to better writing. Be sure to check out our whole series of apps on...
Grammar 4 Writers makes grammar useful. Learn interactively how grammar is the key to better writing. Be sure to check out our whole series of apps on...
Grammar 2 teaches parts of speech ranging from subject nouns, adjectives, adverbs to more advanced grammar concepts such as compound indirect objects,...
New puzzle design and HD video. This app is more than a puzzle, it also teaches your child about their favorite animals!Does your child love animals? ...
This app has been developed as part of a Footsqueek App Development workshop with Thelwall Junior School. It is intended to provide grammar education ...