Skin Analytics
A free app to map your moles and spot cancer fast. Unlike other mole checker apps, we don't diagnose. Only a doctor can do that. The best indicato...
A free app to map your moles and spot cancer fast. Unlike other mole checker apps, we don't diagnose. Only a doctor can do that. The best indicato...
Skin Doctor allows you to analysis your skin lesion and early detection of Melanoma conditions that should be seen by a dermatologist. Skin doctor’s s...
Skin Scanner allows you to monitor your moles, helping in you in the way to prevent skin cancer and to take better care of your skin.Learn more area -...
*** Requires Android 2.2 or higher and Adobe AIR ***Become a tattoo artist! Skin Ink, the winner of the 2010 Dare with Bamboo competition, has finally...
App ‘SKIN PEACE’ advises how to use topical corticosteroid for eczema correctlyFree app for patients with eczema conditions, such as atopic dermatitis...
Dr. Kaufman, recognized for his expert Skin Cancer treatment, is proud to bring his Skin Cancer app to Android's exciting mobile platform. Downloa...
The Skin Rx is the new way and most advanced healthcare delivery system in America where consumers, physicians can interact in real time live consulta...
行政院經濟處目前針對國人食品安全問題,積極推廣食品雲計畫,目前包含義美食品在內近20家食品大廠一起響應。義美食品規劃提供8本一系列之「食品安全與危害因子」電子書予消費者,讓消費者獲取食品安全的資訊,建立正確的食品安全知識。「食品安全與塑化劑」電子書之特色:1. 重大新聞事件:摘要國內、外重要食品安全...
為什麼需要銜接教材?國中是知識膨脹的開始,具體逐步轉變抽象;大家學習速度不一,成績出現差距,最後只好放棄這科、放棄那科。本書針對學習數學的困難,提出解決的方法,本書章節 1. 複習國小課程2.認識生活有關的數學名詞3.預習國中課程 4. 生活上與數學有相關事情的解答5.給父母的話(回答父母的常見問題...
„Gesund & Fit“ – Deutschlands erste umfassende Gesundheits-AppSie suchen umfassende und leicht verständliche Informationen zu den Themen Gesundheit, F...