Dog Screen
Dog Screen is an Android app which introduce a cute dog licking the screen. There are nine great images of the dog with different effects of water. Sp...
Dog Screen is an Android app which introduce a cute dog licking the screen. There are nine great images of the dog with different effects of water. Sp...
Scarica la App per smartphone e tablet di Luca Volpicella, studio fotografico di Bari. All'interno dell'applicazione sono descritti i servizi ...
Screen Info is an app that gives you the dimension of your screen in pixels and inches. It lists the width, height, DPI(with definition of ldpi, mdpi,...
Broken screen simulation, make your phone look like to the bad, the screen broken. Smash your device screen, scare your friends, so they thought broke...
It is just a Fun!Crack the Android display screen right up as many times as you want!!!In this app where ever you will touch your screen will get a cr...
●いつでも、どこでもプリント!「Public Printアプリ」は、Android端末内に保存されている「文書」を、日本国内にある富士ゼロックス製Public Printサービス対応カラー複合機からいつでもどこでもプリントできる、とても便利なツールです。=======================...
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您可以透過輕鬆擷取畫面在平板電腦、行動電話或其他Android 設備輕鬆簡單地擷取螢幕畫面!不僅可使用該最易於使用的螢幕畫面程式來拍攝快照,還能查看、編輯或直接分享。★免費★根據您的設備類型,您可使用以下觸發程序:• 按住電源鍵和音量下調按鈕兩秒鐘• 按住電源按鈕和Home鍵兩秒鐘• 覆蓋圖示•...
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