Screen Diagnostic
This App is only for the Galaxy Nexus!A small utility to diagnose and fix Screen burn-in (image burn-in or ghost image) issues on the Galaxy Nexus Sup...
This App is only for the Galaxy Nexus!A small utility to diagnose and fix Screen burn-in (image burn-in or ghost image) issues on the Galaxy Nexus Sup...
The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards. It's easy. Tap to flip two cards.Match a pair and they disappear. Game Features:1....
Brain Train is the ultimate memory trainer. Train your brain and memory with simple games.In the free version the following games are included:- Arith...
Quick app to display the current readings (pulse or analog) for pins 31 to 39.To switch a pin between pulse and analog, tap the label where it says "a...
Window Brain Game is a simple fun game that exercises your brain memory by remembering which windows were open and who all appeared in the window.免費玩M...
内容简介 故事从“冬天的雨夜,在荒郊野外的山区,一个没有手机、没有汽油的孤单女人”开始。 若菱,自名校毕业,拥有令人羡慕的工作,但心中却不时的自问:为什么我不能拥有想要的生活?为什么我不快乐?我该如何当自己生命的主人? 在一个下雨的冬夜,若菱巧遇一名智慧老者,在与智者数度交谈的过程中,她渐渐填补不快...
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在句子中體會兩個意思相反的英文單字,加深記憶,譬如heaven,相反詞hell,再用簡明扼要的例句,加深印象,把英文強化成自己的能力,Karma divides the roads to heaven and hell. 這樣的方式學習英文是不是更有趣,更容易記住,強化自己的英文實力。本應用程式內容...
开心消消乐是一款策略型的三消游戏,玩家需要开动脑筋多次尝试,精心设计每一步;有时也需要一点小小的运气,才能在多种关卡模式中完成不同目标。巧妙利用特效之间的交换,会触发很多神奇的效果 本应用详细介绍了开心消消乐的各种攻略,包括纯手工三星通关攻略,各种任务奖励等。免費玩开心消消乐三星攻略 APP玩免費免...
Turn your android device in a digital photo viewer showing a slideshow of photos from Flickr, DropBox, Facebook or local files.For network drive or UP...