絕對不容錯過的電子書閱讀神器!(1) 圖書原樣:保留紙本原樣,提供原汁原味的閱讀。(2) 簡單好用:一目了然的開放式書架,選書容易。【BookU趣看書】 單一APP一次集結萬本新書,以最簡單好用的閱讀體驗,獲得30萬使用者的肯定! 擁有BookU無論是搭捷運、上飛機、上廁所, 隨時隨地帶著您的iPa...
絕對不容錯過的電子書閱讀神器!(1) 圖書原樣:保留紙本原樣,提供原汁原味的閱讀。(2) 簡單好用:一目了然的開放式書架,選書容易。【BookU趣看書】 單一APP一次集結萬本新書,以最簡單好用的閱讀體驗,獲得30萬使用者的肯定! 擁有BookU無論是搭捷運、上飛機、上廁所, 隨時隨地帶著您的iPa...
~ 此服務只適用於3香港3G及LTE客戶。~~ 「免費」指下載此程式將不會收取費用,惟使用有關服務仍需付費。收費詳情請到瀏覽或致電客戶服務熱線3166 3333查詢。★ 集結 10,910本圖文書 , 5,111本原創小說 , 新書天天上架、暢銷書周周推...
« Le réseau d'affaires de la Jeune chambre de commerce de Québec enfin sur mobile ! » Le répertoire des membres ainsi que le calendrier des activi...
Talk to friends/people in your proximity at no cost over Bluetooth and Wifi. Blue Call Allows for full-duplex voice communication accomplished over Wi...
Vote for your favorite contestant, political leader, president, singer, model, idol, musician, artist, dancer as many times as possible. You may cast ...
Ever wanted to become a real "hax0r"? This App will help you translate to and from l33tsp33k (hacker-lingo).After translating your favorite phrases, y...
This is a crossword puzzle game with a difference for Android smartphones and tablets!In ordinary crossword puzzle you need to guess the words and pla...
Tetromino Game is a classic game with interesting history and fun facts.A tetromino is a geometric shape composed of four squares, connected orthogona...
This project is to take the existing online mobile directory and convert it to a mobile directory application. The benefits of this project are to be ...