

簡介: 以電子衣櫃為基礎,在手機上就能將衣櫃裡的所有衣物納入其中, 並且有分類、搭配及分享等功能,將女性的煩惱一掃而空! 特色: 考驗自我搭配功力 創造自我風格 記錄服裝搭配、分享世界時尚潮流 逛街時不會再購同件同款 可記錄當天天氣溫度,以便分類服裝與天氣間的密切關係 清楚知曉衣櫃裡的衣物多寡、類型...


Enter the world of color and battle though the Orbs to achieve the highest level.Shorb is based on the world of RGB - Red, Green, Blue. Each upgrade t...

Shopping Race

"Shopping Race" is a incredible race game in the supermarket!You are the racer of supermarket.You operate shopping race cart.You muse collect foods fo...