Learn Vegetables in Hindi Mob.
This app will serve as a learning tool for kids who are learning Vegetables with a touch of the screen of Mobile Phones, they can learn the Vegetables...
This app will serve as a learning tool for kids who are learning Vegetables with a touch of the screen of Mobile Phones, they can learn the Vegetables...
This app will serve as a learning tool for kids who are learning NUMBERS 123 with a touch of the screen of Tab, they can learn the NUMBERS 123 its pro...
ABC Quiz is presented in a fun and game format, built for Kids to learn educate Alphabets & allow to testtheir learning ability.Teachers, Parents and ...
This app will serve as a learning tool for kids who are learning Fruits with a touch of the screen of Mobile Phones, they can learn the Fruits its pro...
This app will serve as a learning tool for kids who are learning Fruits with a touch of the screen of Tab, they can learn the Fruits its pronunciation...
Free Android App By careergeton.com educational website.This application provides- Latest updates for competitive exams- Online Test for various subje...
*** “English Grammar – Preposition” 已被Google Play for Education 的獨立教育工作者審查並視為有教育價值的軟件。*** Google Play for Education 是一個平台,讓學校搜尋優秀、受教師認同並有教育價值的軟件,而這平台上...
乐趣宾果岛 《乐趣宾果岛》是一款经典的休闲小游戏,支持双人模式.这个游戏的基本概念是,玩家在一个以宾果休闲生活而著名的私人小岛上休假.玩家可以通过一个老虎机玩宾果,跳伞,与圣诞老人玩宾果游戏,甚至可以选择扮演一个海盗船长的宾果游戏,还有手臂摔跤和赛马模式,使玩家获得假想的赌注赛马.全卡宾果游戏是单人...
年度最热的最好玩的美女帅哥交友App,完全颠覆并超越了微信,陌陌,百度美拍,唱吧,遇见,友加,夜都市, 这里不但可以认识众多美女帅哥,还有好玩的互动游戏, 打破常规的交友模式, 在游戏中增进了解与友情,堪称娱乐社交神器!应用特色:【一见倾心】 创新的照片打分交友, 增加了若干好玩的道具, 你不但可以...
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