潮人必备时尚交友软件!奇遇是一款基于地理位置的移动交友软件,在奇遇这个平台上,大家可以即时的分享自己的生活点滴,收听和讨论身边的新鲜八卦,结交附近兴趣相投的玩伴,或者随时随地参与友邻在线下组织的碰面活动。 奇遇鼓励用户突破距离的障碍,从线上最终走到线下,开始一场真正意义的奇遇 **********特...
潮人必备时尚交友软件!奇遇是一款基于地理位置的移动交友软件,在奇遇这个平台上,大家可以即时的分享自己的生活点滴,收听和讨论身边的新鲜八卦,结交附近兴趣相投的玩伴,或者随时随地参与友邻在线下组织的碰面活动。 奇遇鼓励用户突破距离的障碍,从线上最终走到线下,开始一场真正意义的奇遇 **********特...
"潮人必备时尚交友软件!奇遇是一款基于地理位置的移动交友软件,在奇遇这个平台上,大家可以即时的分享自己的生活点滴,收听和讨论身边的新鲜八卦,结交附近兴趣相投的玩伴,或者随时随地参与友邻在线下组织的碰面活动。奇遇鼓励用户突破距离的障碍,从线上最终走到线下,开始一场真正意义的奇遇 **********特...
"奇骥,伴你职业成长的手机活动招聘应用。 奇骥,一款为广大高校学子、职场新手度身定做的职业发展规划软件。支持用户通过手机移动网络填写简历、投放简历,还可以参与一系列关于成长类的线下或线上活动,为在校大学生及职场新手打下坚实的职业基础,更可通过人脉圈分享自己的职业成长趣闻,带给朋友们全新的求职社交体验...
INFOMEDInformación para el profesional sanitario. Suscripción anual para Infomed profesional en su versión para ANDROID Y WEB. Usted obtendrá acceso a...
It is a word input application. It becomes the mushroom application program of 'Simeji'. 'Simeji' is necessary for operation.http://in...
O leãozinho Ariê é o guia em três brincadeiras educativas com seus amiguinhos. No Jogo do Elevador, é preciso agrupar as letras para formar palavras, ...
Mobxz MLS (Mobile Learning System) is the smartest m-Learning cross-platform content delivery system you ever find. With PowerPoint or easy to use tem...
BH BabySmart app is an interactive online/mobile learning application for moms-to-be. Experience a revolution in women’s health through this first mob...
DOD Kids is an interactive online/mobile learning application that offers dental and oral care for children. Taking care of your kids’ teeth and oral ...
Smart Ageing app is an interactive online/mobile learning application to help elderly people, their caregivers and family members in going through and...