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全球最受歡迎,最高收視交友節目英國Fremantlemedia 公司『TAKE ME OUT 』全台唯一授權。 從原版TAKE ME OUT節目購買成功經驗,全球超過15個國家 - 美國、澳洲、荷蘭、愛爾蘭、丹麥、日本、韓國、泰國、西班牙、中國、印尼、菲律賓 …在各國皆掀起交友節目風潮及創新收視。台...


內容介紹 : The application for remote the W100S (Tested) or other Walkera copters (Does not tested yet). This app developed by CTMLAB not Walkera, do not...

Toy Boat

Jump in a little toy boat, and enjoy the sights as you sail around a fun and very colorful cartoon style group of islands, while listening to an upbea...