上海曲阳医院是一所综合性二级医院,占地面积约6800平方米,建筑面积12519平方米,核定床位200张,为上海市社保局定点医疗机构、离休干部医疗保健定点医院、上海市爱婴医院、区文明单位。其悠久的历史可以追溯到上世纪20年代建院起,至今已走过了80余年的历程。 岁月沧桑,经过几代人的不懈努力,今天的曲...
上海曲阳医院是一所综合性二级医院,占地面积约6800平方米,建筑面积12519平方米,核定床位200张,为上海市社保局定点医疗机构、离休干部医疗保健定点医院、上海市爱婴医院、区文明单位。其悠久的历史可以追溯到上世纪20年代建院起,至今已走过了80余年的历程。 岁月沧桑,经过几代人的不懈努力,今天的曲...
广州市第一人民医院成立于1899年,1954年更名至今,是广州市卫生局下属大型综合性医院,也是广州地区医疗、教学、科研、干部保健的重要基地。近年来,医院先后获得“全国医院文化建设先进单位”“广东省文明窗口”“ 广州市创建全国文明城市积极贡献单位 ”等荣誉。全院职工秉承“仁心仁术方便为怀”的院训,努力...
Make transparent your smart phone screen!The application uses your device camera to display images and convert your device into transparent.You can op...
****POWERCYCLE DEVICE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DOWNLOADING APP****App Update:This update includes bug fixes for certain devices with microphone and speaker i...
A great way to fool your friends with this amazing Prank App. You can make jokes with your fellows and have a fun by making them wondered that they ju...
The Sikh calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many countries, and used by sikhs everywhere to determine the proper days on ...
The Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many Islam countries (concurrently w...
The Buddhist calendar consisting of 12 months . It is used to date events in many countries, and used by Buddhists everywhere to determine the proper ...
Bored of the same old Christmas family outings every year?With Christmas just around the corner, Santa Bomb stimulates your senses – challenging yet s...