牛肉中富含丰富蛋白质,氨基酸组成比猪肉更能贴近人体的需要,能提高机体抗病能力, 对生长发育及术后、病后调养的人在补充失血、修复组织等方面特别适宜。寒冬食牛肉可暖胃,牛肉是冬季的补益佳品。食用牛肉的习惯最早来源于欧洲中世纪,猪肉及羊肉是平民百姓的食用肉,牛肉则是皇宫贵族们的高级肉品,尊贵的牛肉被他们搭...
牛肉中富含丰富蛋白质,氨基酸组成比猪肉更能贴近人体的需要,能提高机体抗病能力, 对生长发育及术后、病后调养的人在补充失血、修复组织等方面特别适宜。寒冬食牛肉可暖胃,牛肉是冬季的补益佳品。食用牛肉的习惯最早来源于欧洲中世纪,猪肉及羊肉是平民百姓的食用肉,牛肉则是皇宫贵族们的高级肉品,尊贵的牛肉被他们搭...
★ “牛排,你的朋友几分熟!” 用户以医生、警察、高校女生、航空机组人员、媒体记者等高端人士为主。工余时间,真实有效的认识优质朋友,但不是约炮神器! 1、个人相册; 2、照片、语音、文字日记; 3、涂鸦,充分展示您的画画天赋; 4、我画你猜; 5、在线的人,附近的人; 6、语音评论、对话、群聊; 知...
排箫 真正的排笛优雅,便携和功能,适用于每个人,对于那些谁想要玩, 有乐趣的朋友。 从现在开始,你将有你可以在任何地方使用,随时随地你自己的排箫! 不同的手机可能会产生不同的最大排箫的声音。 产品特点: *此应用程序是完美的行使在旅途中的歌曲。 *音质是伟大的,高分辨率的图形仅仅是可爱的。 *它也支...
The idea behind "Call Notifier" application is, to send email to the id's which are configured with the phone. If the user check the "Activate Mai...
The idea behind "Virtual Fan" application is, to help those people who can not sleep with out Fan. At least by listening the FAN sound they can try to...
The basic idea behind this app is, you can remake your own version of Kolaveri Di.Kolaveri Di song is being played in this app where user can sing the...
The idea behind this application is, to close the background running applications at regular intervals.If the user check the "Close Running Apps" chec...
The main purpose of “Do not Touch Me” is to protect your phone from phone lifters in places where we keep our phone a side and starting working on som...
This app plays Real-time 3D Vector Cardiography given patient heart data from PhysioNet (Specifically the QRS lead data v1-v6) -Real-time 3D Vector Ca...
우리 모두 행복한 것만 생각하고 행복한 사람이 되도록 해요^^★ 도돌런처테마를 적용하면 배경화면/아이콘/런처위젯이 모두 변신합니다! :D■ 폰국이에서는 "think happy be happy" 카카오톡, 키보드 테마도 받을 수 있어요!- 폰국이 다운로드 : http:/...