佛教无量寿经是运行在Android平台上的完全免费的大乘无量寿经讲解软件。 《无量寿经》亦称《大阿弥陀经》《无量寿经》是根据“十方净土”的思想建立起来的净土类经典,也是净土宗所依据的“三经”之一。经中主要叙述过去世法藏菩萨历劫修行成无量寿佛的经过,及西方极乐世界的种种殊胜。净土信仰自宋之后就成为与禅...
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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. We’re t...
Dancing Dots is an addictive game about quick thinking. It's simple: tap the dot that doesn't match the others.Sounds easy, right?There are three ways...
Ambient memory gameThe goal is to tap on appearing black dots in the matrix.You must tap the dots in the order they appear.Each dot will give you 1 po...
Fight terror, take an active part in fighting terrorism, foreign and domestic.Track latest development in the terrorism world, follow up on the wanted...
To all concern parents. This app comes to solve the addiction of gaming in kids.Before you give your kid iPad or iPhone to play any game - set Play Ti...
The reimagined HauteLook App for iPhone and iPad, now including Nordstrom Rack!We’ve redesigned our app to give you even more of what you love: style ...