無敵雲端電腦辭典cd 918


有道词典云端增强版是有道词典推出的尝鲜版本,在有道词典的基础上强化了收藏功能,让您随时随地保存双语美文。 - 双语阅读、每日一句和单词释义可快速收藏,帮您积淀英文学习 - 新增云端收藏功能,方便您收藏词典精心准备的好文章 - 中、英、日、韩、法多语种翻译 - 独创“网络释义”功能,轻松囊括互联网上的...

iMagic Box

The iMagic app connects you to your iMagic Box for video verification: in a few seconds you may connect to the video-cameras of your intruder alarm sy...

Tower Box

To play Tower Box you'll need to use your dexterity to stack boxes higher and higher, to reach the sky and maybe if you are good enough to reach t...

Box Locator

With Box Locator you can find a wide variety of machine types for the vending of cigarettes, soft drinks or snacks quickly and easily. But also the ne...