
Slime - Slick Slim IME

軽快に入力できるスリムな日本語入力システムです。子音だけで入力できます。指スライドまたは二本指操作もできます。ソースと辞書が公開されています。Android 2.x以上で利用できます。Facebookページもご利用ください。https://www.facebook.com/pages/Slime/1...


BrainBrunch is a bunch of games app.In this app, we have four different games as follows:1.Counting Shapes: counting shapes is an educational game to ...

Stop Abduction

As Seen On FOX 2 News!!!Your safety is only as good as your awareness. In a world of full-time communication, it is easy to become immersed in what yo...

Theme Slots

"TAP TO SPIN" and you are on your way to win tons of coins in this virtual slots game on your Android device. Become a high roller in this Las Vegas s...