

"Dagon" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in July 1917, one of the first stories he wrote as an adult. It was first published in the Novemb...

Pumping Power

Pumping Power App calculates shaft power and motor power for a given pumping duty, which is defined by:• Flow rate• Fluid density • Static pumping hea...


LMTD App calculates Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) based on inlet and outlet temperatures of a heat exchanger and the flow configurati...

Valve DP

Valve DP App calculates pressure drop through a valve or a fitting based on flow rate, density and pipe dimension.Through a graphical picker, you can ...

Unit Thermal

Unit Thermal is the only unit converter on the market that is specifically designed for thermal and process engineers and scientists for their profess...