澎湖自由行專案 中秋節


●臺灣的節慶文化十分豐富,但傳統節慶的由來眾說紛紜, 時至今日大家跟著過節,對於節慶的認識有多少呢? 歡迎下載節慶系列賀卡,跟著我們在遊戲中,了解華人節慶的相關小故事吧。 ●飄呀飄~上月球~ 中秋佳節人團圓,嫦娥決定吞下靈藥,奔向月球,現在就讓我們幫忙嫦娥突破障礙,奔向天際吧! ◎控制行動載具的左右...

Stop Text

Stop Text can send message to your friend's phone or Facebook friend.Moreover it provide function to cancel sending message for some duration.免費玩Stop ...

Tower Stack

Build a tower that is as tall as possible. Blocks will swing from the top, and when you tap on the screen, the block will drop down. If it fails to la...