台灣潮汐圖提供圖形化的潮汐變化圖,給從事潛水,釣魚,浮潛,衝浪,踏浪 等海邊休閒活動愛好者,一個離線查詢氣候及波浪的工具。一旦你開啟頁面後,圖形資料便會儲存在你的 SD 記憶卡中,方便你隨時讀取,即使你在海上無網路的環境,你依舊可以參考並讀取上次讀過的資料。具體功能:* 可離線查詢潮汐變化圖。* 可...
台灣潮汐圖提供圖形化的潮汐變化圖,給從事潛水,釣魚,浮潛,衝浪,踏浪 等海邊休閒活動愛好者,一個離線查詢氣候及波浪的工具。一旦你開啟頁面後,圖形資料便會儲存在你的 SD 記憶卡中,方便你隨時讀取,即使你在海上無網路的環境,你依舊可以參考並讀取上次讀過的資料。具體功能:* 可離線查詢潮汐變化圖。* 可...
台湾潮汐图提供图形化的潮汐变化图,给从事潜水,钓鱼,浮潜,衝浪,踏浪 等海边休閒活动爱好者,一个离线查询气候及波浪的工具。一旦你开啟页面后,图形资料便会储存在你的 SD 记忆卡中,方便你随时读取,即使你在海上无网路的环境,你依旧可以参考并读取上次读过的资料。具体功能:* 可离线查询潮汐变化图。* 可...
Unit Converter is now available for iPhone!✔ 7128 Ways of conversion possible!✔ Converts: bytes, electric current, energy, force, length, mass, power,...
CEDIA Member Direct is the official iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch application for the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association. Get the latest in ...
CheckSum is a game that resembles checkers but uses numbers on tiles for additional strategy! How to Play: - Jump over friendly pieces to increase a t...
This application allows the Angelus prayer in both your language and Latin. Furthermore, the application notifies you at 12 PM to remind you when to p...
Ever wanted to know interesting facts about the world ?If you answered yes to the above question, Fantastic! Facts is your solution. Fantastic! Facts ...
Download the Superior Global App NOW and instantly be able to book ground transportation services worldwide with our easy to use interface. The SGT mo...
Kontakt OK, so let's face it. We've got this financial crisis so all we see is market shares decreasing. Those aren't exactly the graphs you'd like to...
Tuner, PDF Viewer, Pitch pipe, Metronome, and more! A.P.S. MusicMaster, an “all-in-one” musician’s tool, presented by the C.L. Barnhouse Co. & develop...